Gilles Gobert

Studies with the Royal Academy of Music of Mons (Belgium) for the analysis courses, harmonizes written, counterpoint, direction of chorus and in the class of Claude Ledoux for the orchestration and the composition.
Training courses of analysis and writings near Jean-Claude Baertsoen, Jean-Pierre Deleuze and Jean-Marie Rens.
Training courses of composition with Helmut Lachenmann, Tristan Murail, Magnus Lindberg, Jonathan Harvey and of musical data processing with the IRCAM (Institute of research and acoustic coordination - music/Paris - France).
Prize winner of the contest of composition "Operated PRIMA Europa"/Rome - Italy - ("Part for whole of ten musicians").
Electronic professor of composition to the Royal Academy of Music of Liege (Belgium).
Lecturer of "Music computer-assisted", assistant in "Writings" to the Royal Academy of Music of Mons (Belgium).
He is part of the laptop duo KNAPP with the composer Gilles Doneux and of the LAPS Ensemble.
Musical direction of the contemporary ensemble ON.
From these last years date some scores of vocal musics, instrumental or of mixed musics (instruments, voice and electronics) created among others festivals like Ars Musica (Brussels – Belgium), Images Sonores (Liège – Belgium), Syntax (France), Warsaw Automn (Poland) or the Spark festival of electronic music and art (Minneapolis – USA).

Pièce/performance sur une installation vidéo d'Inger Elisabeth Gleditsch

Concert à Shanghai avec  Laps Ensemble

Gilles Gobert — La plastique de l'électro